Compensation of Management Board and Supervisory Board

Compensation system for the Management Board

Taking into account the Act Implementing the Second Shareholders’ Rights Directive (ARUG II) and the German Corporate Governance Code (“GCGC”) in the version dated December 16, 2019, published in the Federal Gazette on March 20, 2020, the Supervisory Board resolved changes to the compensation system for Management Board members and submitted the compensation system to the Annual General Meeting on June 16, 2021 under agenda item 5 for approval. The Annual General Meeting approved the compensation system for Management Board members by a majority of 86.3590 %.

For the financial year 2024, the Supervisory Board resolved further changes to the compensation system for the Management Board members and submitted the new compensation system to the Annual General Meeting on June 14, 2023 under agenda item 19 for approval. The new compensation system  was approved by a majority of 96.44 %.

Compensation system for the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board resolved changes to the compensation system for Supervisory Board members for the financial year 2021. The compensation system of the Supervisory Board is set out in section 15 of the Delivery Hero SE Articles of Association and was submitted to the Annual General Meeting on June 16, 2021 under agenda item 6 for approval. The Annual General Meeting approved the compensation system for Supervisory Board members by a majority of 99.7882 %.

For the financial year 2024, the Supervisory Board resolved further changes to the compensation system for Supervisory Board members. The compensation system of the Supervisory Board is set out in section 15 of the Delivery Hero SE Articles of Association and was submitted to the Annual General Meeting on June 19, 2024 under agenda item 13 for approval. The Annual General Meeting approved the compensation system for Supervisory Board members by a majority of 99.96 %.


The English versions of the content and documents in this section are convenience translations. In case of deviations between the English and the German version, the German version shall prevail.